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Topic: Never Light Again Product Review Updated: April 11, 2014

Never Light Again Executive Gold Starter Kit

Never Light Again
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Never Light Again Starter Kits - $49.95 with Kit Options

The Never Light Again Executive Gold Starter Kit was reviewed by ECN staff and we like their fresh take on the electronic cigarette. It is stylish, promoted well, and an overall quality product.

The first thing you will notice about your never light again electronic cigarette starter kit is that the batteries are different than any other models. The LED is much classier and the batteries are the perfect length. The two batteries that come with the kit offer enough charge to get a regular smoker through the day.

The vapor production is decent, but could be a little better if you want lots of vapor. It would suffice for people who want higher quality taste over more vapor. It has just enough throat hit to make it a quality smoking alternative that will keep you satisfied.

The flavors are good and you shouldn’t need to shop other brands for flavors when it cones to Never Light Again e cigarettes.

I would recommend them to any smokers who smoke about a pack a day now. With great quality, solid vapor production, and perfect customer service, the Never Light Again e cig starter kit is a great buy. You may even want to go with the Platinum Series Starter Kit to really get everything you need out of your electronic cigarette experience.

For the guys: Never Light Again has some great promo videos on their site that would interest you!

Go To Never Light Again E Cigs

Never Light Again Executive Gold Starter Kit1ECN2014-04-11 22:12:15The first thing you will notice about your never light again electronic cigarette starter kit is that the batteries are different than any other models. The LED is much classier and the batteries are the perfect length. The two batteries that come with the kit offer enough charge to get a regular smoker through the day.

By: Joe Sweeney

Ryan and I are the owners of Electronic Cigarette Nation and are Electronic Cigarette Users ourselves.

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One Review on Never Light Again Executive Gold Starter Kit

  1. Writes About:
    Never Light Again Executive Gold Starter Kit

    If the kit looked a little better I would have given it a higher rating. Functionally, it works great, I just want a little more style :-)

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