E-rette: Mini Disposable Cigar
The E-rette Mini Disposable Cigar is a great Electronic Cigar for those who are unsure about switching from the old fashion cigars. While the top is not like a typical cigar, the rest is strikingly similar to a regular cigar. It comes wrapped in a paper similar to cigars. E-rette offers discounts to consumers who buy more than one at a time. The pricing structure is as follows:
Buy 1 for $24.99
Buy 2 for $22.99 each and save 9%
Buy 5 for $19.99 each and save 21%
Buy 10 for $17.99 each and save 29%
Buy 25 for $14.99 each and save 41%
Buy 50 for $12.99 each and save 49%
Electronic Cigarette Nation readers can receive an additional 5% off on top of any savings in place already by using coupon code “ECN”.
When we first received our Mini Disposable Cigar made by E-rette, we were surprised at how similar it was to a real cigar. The flavor was indicated to be Cuban and while I cannot verify this (not having even smoked a Cuban, go easy on me!), It did taste like a premium quality cigar. They advertise it as offering 600 puffs per cigar and we found that to be very accurate. Ours actually lasted longer than that, however it will vary based on how you use it and how much vapor you draw from it with each drag. These currently only are offered at 16mg nicotine levels, however that should fit most consumers.
The highlights are that it comes fully charged and ready to go. All you do is push in the tip to activate it and you are ready to start vaping with your new electronic cigar. This was a breeze and made life good because I didn’t have to wait 3 hours for it to charge. I am all about simplicity and this meet those needs. Another great benefit is the ability to take a few puffs of the e cigar and put it away and take it out later. While I cannot say this is true for every single one, I went back to mine 2 months later and it still worked, quite impressive! Once you finish the cartridge, simply toss it in the trash and get another.
I had been reluctant to believe that electronic cigars would meet the needs of cigar smokers however this disposable is great for the social cigar smokers out there. It is reliable, tastes good, produces a good amount of vapor, and is relatively small in size so it can be carried with you easily. The cost for one of these with our “ECN” coupon code comes out to be less than $0.04 a puff. Once you know this is the e cigar for you, it can be reduced as low as $0.02 a puff. That is a great deal.
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E-rette: Mini Disposable Cigar
This is a great first electronic cigar. It would also make a great gift!