Premium E Cigar PR701
The Premium E Cigar PR701 has redefined the electronic cigar market in offering quality, durability, realistic taste, and affordable pricing. The best part of the Premium Electronic Cigar kit is that you can recharge it so it drives money back into your pocket. It comes with 2 batteries, 1 atomizer, 5 cartridges, a wall charger, and the user manual. It is the size of a regular cigar and even looks like one.
When you are out on the town, you can use this cigar for a few puffs and put it back in your pocket without ever smelling like a cigar. It is perfect to use inside anywhere you can use electronic cigarettes. When you first start with the Premium E Cigars, you need to charge the battery and then unscrew the body and place the battery in there. One battery should last you all day, however 2 are included, therefore if you are a heavy smoker, you will be set for the full day.
The unit starts with great vapor and finishes each cartridges with strong vapor as well. The overall experience is very realistic to regular cigars and you will not be disappointed with your purchase. The taste is rich with a similar flavor of The Hemmingway Classic. I didn’t want to put this e cigar down but had enough nicotine in my system that I had to.
I would highly recommend the Premium PR701 Electric Cigar to anyone who smokes cigars to move to a life of freedom in smoking and convience. It is finally a cigar that your wife will be fine with you smoking inside watching sports or playing poker. Be sure to pick one up today with our 10% discount on Premium E Cigarette products using coupon code ECN. Each cartridge gives you 500 puffs and 5 are included costing you only $.03 a puff on the first purchase and each 5 pack afterwards costs only $0.005 cents a puff. It doesn’t get better than that!