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Where Can I Vape? Part 2

electronic cigarette

Today was a challenging day for me, everything started off wrong.  In the past, I would have gone for a cigarette, but thank God for Vaping.  I was able to make it through the day using my e-rette electronic cigarette, njoy electronic cigarette, and premium e cigarette.  I usually carry multiple ones loaded with different flavors depending on what I am in the mood for.

New Locations I Vaped at:

Casa Del Sol: A Mexican Restaurant

Today I had a business meeting during lunch and we went to a Mexican Restaurant names Casa Del Sol.  After eating the oversized portions, I took out my electronic cigarette.  They initially came over and said I could not use it.  Once I explained what it was, how it worked, and that it was water vapor they let me continue to use it.  This was the most enjoyable vape of the day.

Vaping at Casa Del Sol result: Negative at first, but it all smoothed over and I continued to vape.

Target: Storefront

I had to swing by Target after work and pick up my wife.  I went in and while we were walking around, I took out my electronic cigarette and began to use it.  There was no feedback at all and only a couple of people looking at me oddly.  I half expected the security to find me from watching on the cameras, but nothing happened.

Vaping at Target Result: A great success, the local store seemed to be very vapor friendly.

Stay tuned for more places I vape in future editions as we work to expose the statement that you can the electronic cigarette anywhere.

Where Can I Vape? Part 1

electronic cigarette

Today I am starting a new series called Where Can I Vape? The idea is simple, I will provide places I have or tried to vape along with the results and reactions of others.

This morning I started by vaping in my house. This may not seem significant to some, but if you are married, you will understand. My wife hates smoking in the house because everything begins to smell like cigarettes, the walls change color over time, and it is just generally bad to sit in smoke all day and re-breath it in. The solution was simple, use an electronic cigarette. Water vapor will not produce any of the negative effects, I don’t miss any of the TV I am watching, and I am not getting bitten by the 1 million plus mosquitoes waiting for me as soon as I step out the door.
Vaping at home Result: A Success – Happy Wife = Happy Husband

Next I headed to work at an office building on a smoke free campus. Quite clearly, smoking is not wanted in Madison, WI. I began to use my electronic cigarette at my desk. There are several people in the cubes around me, not one noticed. If I lit a cigarette… all hell would break loose. I no longer ran around the office trying to find a way or an excuse to get outside to smoke a cigarette, my nicotine craving was satisfied.
Vaping at work Result: A Success – Less time leaving to go far away to smoke = A more productive me and happy stock holders (even though they may not know the direct impact I was providing).

On the way home I needed gas. I stopped at a local gas station and went inside. I saw overpriced low quality e cigs inside, shook my head and walked out to the pump. I threw the nozzle in and began to vape. Looking around I saw people starting to stare at me in disbelief thinking I was smoking. I decided to switch to NJoy NPRO DUO as it is black and people realized it was not a cigarette at all. I was not kicked out nor did the police show up.
Vaping at the gas station result: A Success – Even though I came close to causing problems, it all worked out.

As I continue to try new places, I will update them on our site. Make sure to follow me through this real life experience in seeing if I can truly vape anywhere as advertised…